Animal Portraits
is a view I see often in my wooded
backyard – a doe with her fawns. I have attempted
capture the stunning characteristics of a mother who is very cautious
of the sights and sounds that are all around her young ones."wa
is a bird that can be found in the mountains of southern Europe to
central Asia. I love the colors, beauty, and variety of birds
from all over the world."
faith is predicated on the knowledge that
God’s original purpose for the earth was for it to be a
paradise where animals and people would live in peace and
harmony. This painting encompasses a desert full of lush
vegetation and flowers. It is also noteworthy that the
lion may not be ferocious or aggressive. My intent is that
owner of this artwork will enjoy the painting for years to come and one
day see its fulfillment in person."
"Personally, I find pelicans to be very
fascinating birds especially because of their prehistoric appearance
and for the way they fly and descend in flight to fish for food. White
pelicans are somewhat rare and scarcely populated in respect to other
pelicans. However, if men continue to violate their natural habitat via
heavy pollution, most pelicans in general will become sparse."
have always been intrigued by feline
facial structures which all seem to invoke a measure of guilelessness
no matter how wild they are. None have this characteristic
than the cheetah – the fastest animal on the earth."
wish to share my intrigue of this
vivacious animal as it seems to be having the romping time of its life
in some kind of amusement pursuit as it plays in the wild.
fur, the face mask, and the ring tail are all notable features of this
animal and with this print it can be your or your child’s own
personal pet. It is noteworthy that the raccoon is the State
animal of Tennessee and is generally considered to be genetically a
cousin to the panda bear."
as one sees the colors of a prism
although in reality it is transparent, this elk may appear to be in
dire straits in a winter storm when in reality it is basking in the
stillness of a winter day."